Pacific Islands Development Bank – admin

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So far admin has created 32 blog entries.

Chuuk State Welcomed Back to PIDB After Board Lifts Suspension

Pacific Islands Development Bank is happy to welcome back Chuuk State representation on both the PIDB Board of Governors and Board of Directors. A special virtual meeting of the Board of Governors was held on Monday, April 3rd, 2023, during which Chuuk State’s status was revisited and a quorum of the members of the PIDB […]

April 3rd, 2023|News and Events|

PIDB receives lending funds to help eligible RMI citizens

The Pacific Islands Development Bank has some exciting news for eligible citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

PIDB recently announced that a special delegation representing the Marshall Islands, Kenneth A. Kedi, speaker of the Nitijela, the national parliament, and Brenson Wase, minister of the Ministry of Finance, are on Guam for an official handover […]

December 9th, 2022|News and Events|

PIDB Recognizes New and Former Chairmen of Governing Board in Saipan

2022 October 27 – The Board of Directors for the Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB) will hold their first in-person meeting in Saipan, CNMI after three years of conducting Board business through virtual meeting platform. PIDB’s President & CEO holds the role of Chairperson for the Board of Directors and proposed to hold their first […]

October 27th, 2022|News and Events|

Speaker Kenneth Kedi Elected as Chairman of PIDB

2022 September 14 – Honorable Kenneth A. Kedi, Speaker of the Nitijela (Parliament) of the Marshall Islands hasbeen elected to serve as the new Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB).At the same time, Honorable Lourdes Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam, was elected as PIDB’sVice Chairwoman, and a member […]

September 30th, 2022|News and Events|

Aingimea Joins PIDB as Loan Officer

Hagatna, Guam – Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB or Bank) is proud to announce and welcome Jamie James Aingimea as the Bank’s Loan Officer.

“We welcome Jamie to our PIDB family. I am confident that he will be a valuable addition to our team,” said PIDB President & CEO Lindsay Timarong. Jamie was born and raised […]

September 20th, 2022|News and Events|

News Release: New PIDB President and CEO

The Board of Governors of the Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB or Bank) has selected Ms. Lindsay Motil Timarong to be the next President & Chief Executive Officer for the regional development finance institution. Ms. Timarong is the first woman to hold this prestigious position and by virtue of her seat as President of the […]

January 31st, 2022|News and Events|

PIDB Board of Directors Meet, Review 2018 Results

Tofol, Kosrae – The Board of Directors of the Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB) held its quarterly meeting in Kosrae on January 23, 2019.  Board Chairman and President/CEO, Aren Palik, called the meeting  to order followed by a welcoming remark given by the newly elected Governor of Kosrae State, the Honorable Carson Sigrah.  He was […]

January 24th, 2019|News and Events|

Marshall Islands Increases Shares in PIDB

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) recently infused an additional $992,000 into Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB), increasing its membership equity capital to $1.9 million, the largest among the bank’s shareholders. Marshall Islands became a member of the bank in 2011 with its initial capital infusion of $1 million. “Since becoming a shareholder of […]

April 28th, 2017|News and Events|

Yap State and PIDB Execute MOA to Spur Private Sector Growth

PIDB Corporate Office, Guam. On January 7, 2017, Yap State Government and Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB) executed a Memorandum of Agreement establishing the procedures and guidelines for the implementation of a loan program established under Yap State Public Law 9-35. The Program provides $3 million to be managed and administered by PIDB, providing loans […]

February 14th, 2017|News and Events|

USDA Seeks Applications to Promote Job Creation and Boost the Rural Economy in the Western Pacific

HILO, HI, April 24, 2013 –

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) remains focused on carrying out its mission, despite a time of significant budget uncertainty. Today’s announcement is one part of the Department’s efforts to strengthen the rural economy.

USDA Rural Development State Director Chris J. Kanazawa announced today that applications are being accepted from […]

June 9th, 2015|News and Events|